An important message to our customersWe have taken various actions to protect the welfare of our employees, customers and our business to minimise the disruption to our day to day operations.The actions we have taken so far include:•Improved hygiene principles being adopted including increased cleaning and provisions of alcohol wipes and sanitisers to staff.•Providing a contact less service including by prior arrangement pick up and drop off of our customers vehicles.•Minimising person to person contact across our business and practicing social distancing•Limiting non-essential travel•Communicating to all staff to not attend work if sick•Updating staff on government travel bans and isolation requirements•Addressing unique risks posed to staff who work closely with clients.•Conduct appropriate risk assessments in collaboration with our customers and suppliers•Procedures are currently being put in place around assessing COVID-19 exposure with our visitors.We are continually monitoring the situation and potential impact of the COVID-19 outbreak. At this stage, we are not expecting any major disruptions. nearly all of our parts supply partners who had been impacted by the initial outbreaks are beginning to regain their stock levels to pre COVID levels. However there may be “some” manufacturer suppliers still low on parts volume.We have put in place an action plan, so we are prepared. Our approach has been and will continue to be, to monitor the situation daily and implement precautionary measures, in line with public health and government guidelines to protect you our customers and our employees.Should a situation arise whereby our service is interrupted, we will issue further communication to those impacted.Assuring you our best attention at all times.Wishing you and your families health and safety
An important message to our customersWe have taken various actions to protect the welfare of our employees, customers and our business to minimise the disruption to our day to day operations.The actions we have taken so far include:•Improved hygiene principles being adopted including increased cleaning and provisions of alcohol wipes and sanitisers to staff.•Providing a contact less service including by prior arrangement pick up and drop off of our customers vehicles.•Minimising person to person contact across our business and practicing social distancing•Limiting non-essential travel•Communicating to all staff to not attend work if sick•Updating staff on government travel bans and isolation requirements•Addressing unique risks posed to staff who work closely with clients.•Conduct appropriate risk assessments in collaboration with our customers and suppliers•Procedures are currently being put in place around assessing COVID-19 exposure with our visitors.We are continually monitoring the situation and potential impact of the COVID-19 outbreak. At this stage, we are not expecting any major disruptions. nearly all of our parts supply partners who had been impacted by the initial outbreaks are beginning to regain their stock levels to pre COVID levels. However there may be “some” manufacturer suppliers still low on parts volume.We have put in place an action plan, so we are prepared. Our approach has been and will continue to be, to monitor the situation daily and implement precautionary measures, in line with public health and government guidelines to protect you our customers and our employees.Should a situation arise whereby our service is interrupted, we will issue further communication to those impacted.Assuring you our best attention at all times.Wishing you and your families health and safety
An important message to our customersWe have taken various actions to protect the welfare of our employees, customers and our business to minimise the disruption to our day to day operations.The actions we have taken so far include:•Improved hygiene principles being adopted including increased cleaning and provisions of alcohol wipes and sanitisers to staff.•Providing a contact less service including by prior arrangement pick up and drop off of our customers vehicles.•Minimising person to person contact across our business and practicing social distancing•Limiting non-essential travel•Communicating to all staff to not attend work if sick•Updating staff on government travel bans and isolation requirements•Addressing unique risks posed to staff who work closely with clients.•Conduct appropriate risk assessments in collaboration with our customers and suppliers•Procedures are currently being put in place around assessing COVID-19 exposure with our visitors.We are continually monitoring the situation and potential impact of the COVID-19 outbreak. At this stage, we are not expecting any major disruptions. nearly all of our parts supply partners who had been impacted by the initial outbreaks are beginning to regain their stock levels to pre COVID levels. However there may be “some” manufacturer suppliers still low on parts volume.We have put in place an action plan, so we are prepared. Our approach has been and will continue to be, to monitor the situation daily and implement precautionary measures, in line with public health and government guidelines to protect you our customers and our employees.Should a situation arise whereby our service is interrupted, we will issue further communication to those impacted.Assuring you our best attention at all times.Wishing you and your families health and safety